Crowdstrike Broke the World. 
Now What?

Picture this: you're sipping your morning coffee, scrolling through the news, and bam! Headlines scream that CrowdStrike, the supposed knight in shining armor of the cybersecurity world, has somehow managed to break the internet. Or at least, that's how it feels.

How did we get here, and more importantly, what do we do now?

First, let's dissect the drama. CrowdStrike, the superstar of endpoint security, was supposed to keep the cyber boogeymen at bay. But instead, we have a scenario that feels straight out of a dystopian novel. Did they over-promise and under-deliver? Did they push an update that turned our digital lives into a chaotic mess? Yes, they did. A bad update took down 8.5 million Windows PCs, with Delta Airlines being one of the hardest hit. All because of one bad update being pushed to the entire globe on a Friday morning.

The Great Irony

The irony here is thicker than a plot twist in a soap opera. CrowdStrike was hailed as the hero, the ultimate defender of our precious data. Yet, here we are, staring at our screens, wondering if our next click will send our computers into a meltdown. It's like hiring a bodyguard who accidentally locks you out of your own house. Thanks, but no thanks.

Empathy for the IT Crowd

Let's take a moment to empathize with the real victims here: the IT departments. These unsung heroes are now scrambling to make sense of the chaos. Their to-do lists have exploded, their coffee intake has tripled, and their stress levels are skyrocketing. They're the ones on the front lines, answering frantic calls from employees who suddenly can't access their files or, worse, find their systems behaving like they've been possessed.

So, to all the IT folks out there, we see you. We feel your pain. Hang in there.

The Problem of Consolidation

Here's the kicker: the consolidation of technology has created a single point of failure scenario. With almost 300 of the Fortune 500 using CrowdStrike, this bad update's ripple effect is felt far and wide. It's like everyone decided to put all their eggs in one digital basket, and now that basket has a massive hole in it. Sure, centralization has its efficiencies, but when things go south, they go south for everyone.

Now What?

Alright, enough with the doom and gloom. What do we do now? How do we navigate this mess without losing our sanity?

Stay Calm and Update On: First things first, don't panic. Cybersecurity incidents happen. The key is to stay informed. Keep an eye on updates from CrowdStrike and follow their guidance. They've got their best minds on this (we hope).

Backup, Backup, Backup: If this incident teaches us anything, it's the importance of backups. Regular, reliable backups are your best defense against any digital disaster. If you haven't already, make sure your data is backed up in multiple locations. Cloud, local, external hard drives – the more, the merrier.

Review Your Security Measures: Take this opportunity to review your overall security posture. Are there gaps in your defenses? Are your employees trained to recognize phishing attempts? Use this incident as a wake-up call to bolster your cybersecurity practices.  Check your downtime procedures and update them.  If you don't have any well, there's your homework!

Lean on Experts: If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to call in reinforcements. Cybersecurity experts can help you navigate the technical jargon and implement effective solutions. Sometimes, it's okay to admit you need a little help.

The Silver Lining

Every cloud has a silver lining, and this digital disaster is no exception. While it might feel like the end of the world, it's also an opportunity. It's a chance to rethink our cybersecurity strategies, to strengthen our defenses, and to ensure we're better prepared for the next curveball.

So, to CrowdStrike, thanks for the unintended wake-up call. You've reminded us that even the best can stumble. And to everyone else, let's pick up the pieces, learn from this fiasco, and come back stronger.

After all, the digital world waits for no one.